Don't pinch off your abundance...
Don't pinch off your abundance...
Enjoy being here.
Look for things here that you find enjoyable.
Reframe it any way you need to.
Own up to how you feel; acknowledge it; Invision where you want to take it.
Look for things that are already good.
You are the only one keeping you from being happy.
I want to be in the room when you think of something you've never thought of before. I want to be around when you have these great ideas.
I want you to feel good about you when I'm anywhere near you.
I can't fix the world. I can only work on how I see the things around me.
There is an abundance. The law of attraction... Allow the vibration to establish the desires created.
If you aren't ready for what you want; Don't fill in your grid. If it was ready, it would already be a manifested reality.
Easy to feel good, like what i see, get thru day, be me, work i want to do, 2 individuals with separate and together projects. certain, secure, real, true, honest, deep, easy, gentle, comfortable, feels like love, being loved.
acknowledge the relationships in what happens. navigate to the good things.
Pain is the tug of war that is resisting going with the flow in your vortex.
Satisfaction is moving towards desire. If you got there, you'd never be satisfied again.
you create reality, you are the only one that will ever see it.
how can anything that feels so wrong, be right? what if this isn't wrong, but it is right? What if it is only right?
look from a different vantage point.
non-physical energy coming into another vantage point.
physical form think physical. non-physical - non-physical.
either way, it's physical.
contemplate from a joy level; See it from the non-physical view.
Here are some good Abraham Hicks tidbits I've shared recently:
How to Receive Benefit from Contrast with your Partner
Explaining unexplainable bad things
The Biggest Missing Piece - YouTube
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