
 more relevant than ever... 

Actions speak louder than words. 

Reference: "I love you" does not sound the same as "Please don't come visit me when I'm dying, I don't want to deal with the drama." "I'll try to be dead before you come to pick up the stuff (if you don't get the stuff before March 31, selling it)". 

You made your bed, now lie in it. 

Reference: Sorry, Dad. This one sucks, you enabled this for 20 years and made it worse.

Treat others how you want to be treated. 

Reference: Home for the holidays.

No Man is an Island.

Reference: All the times I offered to help that she wouldn't accept. She's going mental trying to keep up with all the things dad was taking care of for her. 

There's no place like home.

Reference: House of hate.

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Reference: Dad living the dream.


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