Words of Wisdom from a letter
No Matter how much you need help, no one can help you and you must do it yourself.
Bonds are strengthened through adversity and struggling together.
Not all people are satisfied by the same things (wouldn't it be a piss-poor world if they were?)
Love does not come easy, during the teenage years it is natural to find solace in hate.
Love is undefinable, I referred to this as "Boundless" when I described dad in one-word. Energy exists.
-Collab with Grandpa (letter to dad in 1974-ish?)
That letter also says to sacrifice and do things for others because their thoughts should be included. How do you advocate for yourself in this instance? Struggle. Flight attendants will attest, you should put your mask on first.
You can be guided by others even if it isn't the right path. It will be obvious if it is wrong soon after. If the advice is not from a source of love, do not take it.
We change every day.
The fondest memories of people are of people that are not even those people anymore. We are literally an entirely new person every 7 years.
Memories made in love are much more fulfilling than those made of anger. If only we could keep our babies from turning into soldiers.
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