"I've never met anyone as terrible as her"
I hate to leave Dad, but I concede and will leave as he has asked so that things can get back to normal for Terrible. She feels the need to storm off and rage back when she comes and goes. It's just not possible to exist in the same space, she hates me that much she has to leave the house. Dad said he wished that he could see me every day until he goes but that would make life so unpleasant for him because of Terrible. That hurts, but for how unwelcome I am here I'm starting to really look forward to going home where my existence isn't a problem... Now Dad's putting it in my head that I'm overstaying my welcome at their friend's house (Dad's words, not the friends - Again, trying to get me to leave so Terrible will be tolerable again). The neighbor helped us come up with an agreement that Terrible felt pressured into signing. Visits will be scheduled and agreed with a few hours' notice. Visits are limited to 3 hours maximum. Use front door to room with...