Maybe I watch too much

I noticed the neighbors outside for the 4th of July celebration. Multiple neighbors. Next door mentioned that they had come over and knocked to see if I was home to come out and watch them shoot off fireworks. At a distance, handed me a sparkler. Not quite sure what to do with that. Wave it about and enjoy the contrast against the night sky but there's really not too much exiting about a sparkler. Infinity symbol pattern by default. I noticed that I don't have much to say. I listen to the neighbors interact and understand everything that they exchange. There is no new information and I'm not sure that anything I have to say would be of interest based on the conversation. I'm quietly observing for some time. Next door engages and asks how the job hunt is going. I can't say that it's going great as there aren't any jobs that seem remotely interested. Even the recruiters that I give my resume to don't seem to be reading it or aware of what it is about. Then I mention the mushroom farm. Finally,  I'm excited about something and have something to say. Thoughts, ideas, more than just watching and discomfort that the INT<J> brings. 

Maybe the excitement of the mushroom farm is working for myself to bring something to others that has value. 

"Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates (400 BC)


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